Thursday, July 28, 2011

How to use TBS DVB-S2 Tuner card and Phoenix card reader to read paytv card on Linux Ubuntu?

This tutorial is only about running sasc-ng to use your phoenix reader with channels that you have paid for (it will not work if you didnt buy subscryption or channels are not ones subscribed – u must have reader and card inserted). I have got flustrated that in all network there is some cccam or oscam stuff (totaly useless if you simply wanna channels you paid for!).So here you go, this covers sasc-ng only.
Mine config is:

-6 month subscription smartcard (Conax)
-Phoenix Card reader (Switches: 3.3V, Phoenix, 3.579)
-TBS5980 or TBS6925 (yea, I have both soon selling USB)
What is interesting… CAM module works 10x slower than sasc-ng o_O… but lets start.
Whats necessary:
Kernel (should work for 2.6.39 or 2.6.35 too) with sources, I always use version from
(See later how to do custom kernel) but you can use ubuntu 2.6.38 version if you want.
I have tested sasc-ng only with my custom kernel.
Also dev tools for compilation and so on you can try installing:

sudo apt-get install build-essential devscripts mercurial

Before we start fun we need to patch kernel which will be simple thing.
If you have your own drivers (like in TBS case) you need to go to that drivers directory, same as in linux sources, assuming my tbs drivers are in ~/linux-tbs-drivers_110717/linux-tbs-drivers:

cd ~/linux-tbs-drivers_110717/linux-tbs-drivers/linux

if you just use standard kernel drivers:

cd /usr/src/linux

patch -p1 < linux-2.6.38-dvb-mutex.patch
If you use x86 arch for TBS driver dont forget to:

cd ~/linux-tbs-drivers_110717/linux-tbs-drivers && sh v4l/

It must switch sources to x86 mode, if you use x86_64 linux just leave it as is.
To compile tbs driver type

sudo make install

Let’s get now sasc-ng soft that will replace annoying cam module. Create somewhere directory (let’s say named “src”), to make it easy:

cd && mkdir src && cd src

Fetch latest sources (you need to have mercurial installed):

hg clone
cd sc

Apply mutex patch:

patch -p1 < vdr-sasc-ng-2.6.38.patch

Configure your sasc-ng module:

cd contrib/sasc-ng
chmod +x configure
chmod +x dvbloopback/module/
./configure --dvb-dir=~/linux-tbs-drivers_110717/linux-tbs-drivers
make module

If compilation fails (it will, sasc-ng is prepared for <=2.6.33 kernels and expects v4l headers, in 2.6.38 we have v4l2 only), do this:

gedit sc/dvbdevice.cpp

find line with:


replace with:


Save.Try again:

make module

Go root:

sudo -s

Then install the stuff:

cp sasc-ng /usr/local/bin/
cp sc/PLUGINS/lib/* /usr/local/lib/
mkdir -p /lib/modules/`uname -r`/misc/
cp dvbloopback.ko /lib/modules/`uname -r`/misc/
depmod -av

Now configure sasc-ng:

mkdir /etc/sc_files

create in /etc/sc_files cardslot.conf file:

touch /etc/sc_files/cardslot.conf

I assume you have phoenix reader from TBS shop:

nano /etc/sc_files/cardslot.conf

put line there:


(its your card reader)
Put your subscription card to reader and connect it to computer together with TBS tuner
Voila! Reboot!
How to run your tv:
I assume you will have channels.conf already (you scanned your card and you use some soft to watch tv).
I use gxine and .xine/channels.conf file (standard channels list).
You will customize your autoscripts in rc.d and so on so I’ll only show in command line whats necessary:

sudo modprobe dvbloopback
sasc-ng -j 0:1 --cam-budget --cam-dir /etc/sc_files

I have simply added:

modprobe dvbloopback
sasc-ng -j 0:1 --cam-budget --cam-dir /etc/sc_files > /dev/null 2>&1&

to /etc/rc.local, it will run it each time at boot time)
Turn your player on and thats it.
In gxine I had to change dvb device number to 1 (thats the fake sasc-ng device).
If you use kaffeine, do scan using the new card (it will have no name in options menu), and all subscribed channels uncheck as paid (fake dvb tuner will use your smartcard and decrypt all transparently) , kaffeine has some trouble of using always adapter0 device, search on google how to set it up to read from fake adapter.
I’m gonna get rid of my cam modules finally. Phoenix reader seems to be much better (and cheaper too).
PS. If links are broken or sth like that let me know I have saved copies, with respect to other users involved:
For enthusiasts reminder, how to make custom kernel:
download sources from kernel[dot]org and copy it to /usr/src
unpack it

make symlink /usr/src/linux -> /usr/src/linux-your-unpacked-dir
cd /usr/src/linux

If you have ncurses installed:

make menuconfig

Choose your stuff etc. (check all dvb v4l stuff, adjust also other things if you want)
to compile after that:

CONCURRENCY_LEVEL=4 fakeroot make-kpkg --revision=1 --append-to-version=-custom --initrd kernel_image kernel_headers

You can remove CONCURRENCY_LEVEL=4 if you want, I add it to tell compiler to use all of my 4 cores;
(its 4 times faster… but sometimes may cause compilation breaks)
After compilation you will have 2 new files in /usr/src

linux-image-.deb and linux-headers-.deb

install both with dpkg -i command.
run also

update-initramfs -u

And make sure you have initramfs files /boot/initrd.img- directory.
If not create them using

update-initramfs -c

Reboot, update your nvidia driver if any (for me It always only work to use drivers from
Author: piotrekfronc


1 comment:

  1. Dvb S2/T2/S/T/C Tv Tuner Card: How To Use Tbs Dvb-S2 Tuner Card And Phoenix Card Reader To Read Paytv Card On Linux Ubuntu? >>>>> Download Now

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